6 Jenis Payet Mutiara Untuk Percantik Desain Kebaya
11 January 2025

Recommended Various Sequin Kebaya Models

Pearl sequins are small materials that are usually used to decorate clothes. Although most of the sequins that are most often used are round sequins are also available in a variety of other shapes and have many color variants. The sequins themselves are made of various basic materials, ranging from metal, and crystal, to gemstones, but the most popular today are pearl sequins made of plastic.


Historically, pearl sequins have been used since ancient civilizations in the Mediterranean region. Long ago, sequins were referred to as Sikka, or in English sequins. The use of pearl sequins aims to decorate clothes to make them look luxurious. Well, because of its attractive appearance, in the end, many other cultures use pearl sequin decorations to beautify their clothes.


Even in Indonesia, pearl sequins are very popular and become one of the mandatory materials for designing various types of bridal clothing, from traditional kebayas to modern dresses with contemporary themes.


Well, consisting of various shapes and colors, then what are the pearl sequin models that are most often used to beautify modern kebaya designs or wedding kebaya dresses? Here's the review.


1. Stem Sequins
The shape is similar to a tube or cylinder with a long size. There are also stem sequins that have a shorter size, so this type of sequin is called a broken stem sequin. Usually, stem sequins are used to make tendril-shaped decorations.


2. Spiral Sequins
At first glance, spiral sequins are similar to rod sequins with a long cylindrical shape. But if you pay close attention, this type of sequin has a spiral texture. Just like stem sequins, spiral sequins are also suitable for tendril-shaped decorations.


3. Sand Sequins
Because it has the smallest size, this sequin is called a sand sequin. Small round shape with a very short size. Generally, sand sequins are used to lockplate sequins. If tightly embroidered, sand sequins can cover a patterned area that can produce luxurious details.


4. Sequin Plate
Sequin plates are divided into two types, namely bowl plates, and flat plates. Bowl plate sequins have a concave shape, while flat plate sequins have a flat shape. This type of sequin is perfect for forming a variety of beautiful patterns, especially flower petals.


5. Sequins
Sequin beads are sequins that have a variety of shapes, ranging from round, oval, grain, and so on. Sequin beads are usually used to form various patterns, ranging from flowers, sprinkles, leaves, and so on.


6. Bamboo Sequins
Similar to bamboo pieces, bamboo sequins are thick and short in size. Bamboo sequins can be used to make decorations in the form of small or large leaves, as well as to make patterns of stripes and tendrils.


Those are some models of pearl sequins that are usually used to decorate modern kebayas. Well, if you also want to make your kebaya, you can buy various types of pearl sequins at Mote Palace. We provide various shapes and types of quality sequins or crystals that can beautify your kebaya design such as Matsuno Glass Beads pearl sequins, Swarovski crystal mote, and JP Pearl at affordable prices.

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